A unique space dedicated to companies at the service of your projects

Open to all types of companies, we offer you the unique and rare opportunity to take advantage of a place that will stimulate your creative energy and promote perspective.

Suitable Spaces

Seminars, offsite, retreats, team meetings, workshops, training, conferences, business lunches, interviews, videoconferences, creative meetings…

A place to live

A unique environment imagined by the creative Basile Bohard and created to encourage the creativity of your collaborators, to develop team cohesion and the sharing of experiences in a place “like home”.

High tech equipments

With a modular and flexible design, our fully equipped spaces will allow your collaborators to work differently in the countryside with the comfort of the most beautiful French meeting rooms.

the creator’s words

I wanted La villa des conquérants to be a serene and magical experience, designed to facilitate the cohesion, creativity and reflection of companies and their employees!
This place was designed to allow everyone to take the time to think, invent, prototype, innovate, test, fail, learn and start again: this is the philosophy that drives us in the seminars we organize.
Together, let’s transform your corporate events into captivating and unifying adventures for your teams. What you will find here is a magical place where everything is designed for the company and those who make it happen. You are here to defy the ordinary and share the marvelous, this adventure is now yours. We are waiting for you!

Want to know more?

Let us introduce you to all this in detail.

Our ethical and eco-responsible initiatives

The Villa des Conquérants is committed to fairness, limiting its environmental impact and including all participants in its operations and events.

Our personalized premium services

If you wish to meet in a quiet place, in Normandy, we will ensure a quality service, entirely personalized, and adapted to your way of working. Our concierge can manage all of your logistical needs for you, so you can focus solely on your teams.

What our conquerors say about us

Dans un cadre unique, la Villa des Conquérants, créée par Basile Bohard, a été bien plus qu'un simple lieu de séminaires et d'événements. Elle a été la scène inspirante de plus d’une centaine d'événements d'entreprises au cours des deux dernières années. Entre ces murs, les équipes de Google, Arkema, Maison du Monde, Lacoste, BNP Paribas, Crédit Mutuel, Fareva et bien d'autres ont partagé des moments inoubliables. C'est donc avec beaucoup d'émotions que nous annonçons la fin de cette belle aventure. Nous tenons à exprimer notre profonde gratitude envers chaque client, partenaire et collaborateur qui a contribué à faire de la Villa des Conquérants un lieu unique pour les entreprises. 

La team Villa des conquérants