Ethnography, behind this term is hidden the observation and study of human beings in certain situations, in their everyday life.

Ethnographic studies allow, through four axes, to understand human reactions. This makes it possible, particularly in creation and engineering, to connect innovation to use. These studies can be conducted and assisted by our teams to encourage interactions. As well as the organization of participatory observation sessions for example, environmental assessment or cultural exploration. The ethnography is articulated along four axes, from which specific workshops are derived. These will allow you to better understand the needs of your targets, and the public’s reaction to your products for example. These axes are the following:
  • Participatory observation: You will immerse yourself in the daily lives and social environments of your targets, in order to better understand their lives by putting yourself in their shoes and adopting their point of view. Either through contextual or practical workshops.
  • environmental assessment: which consists of studying your clients’ situation, their immediate environment and the influence of their values, relationships and behaviors on their lives.
  • exploration of the culture: It is also a question of encouraging individual research of your targets, in order to make them specify, via various actions, their reactions.
  • ethnographic/semi-structured interview: This activity takes the form of one-on-one interviews and interactions in a familiar, home-like environment. This is to test various factors.
The Villa des Conquérants is the perfect subject for these studies, in a familiar, home-like environment. The environment is ideal for conducting in-depth ethnographic studies with the support of our specialists. Our consultants will collect the information, differentiate what the cases studied say, what they feel they are doing, and what is actually happening. And thus to facilitate the conceptual process and to provide you with precise real tracks of improvement or needs for the creation of a project for example. What if we talked more specifically about your needs together?

Dans un cadre unique, la Villa des Conquérants, créée par Basile Bohard, a été bien plus qu'un simple lieu de séminaires et d'événements. Elle a été la scène inspirante de plus d’une centaine d'événements d'entreprises au cours des deux dernières années. Entre ces murs, les équipes de Google, Arkema, Maison du Monde, Lacoste, BNP Paribas, Crédit Mutuel, Fareva et bien d'autres ont partagé des moments inoubliables. C'est donc avec beaucoup d'émotions que nous annonçons la fin de cette belle aventure. Nous tenons à exprimer notre profonde gratitude envers chaque client, partenaire et collaborateur qui a contribué à faire de la Villa des Conquérants un lieu unique pour les entreprises. 

La team Villa des conquérants